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Plant tomatoes and marigolds in an organic garden bed
12197218 - Plant tomatoes and marigolds in an organic garden bed
Plant tomatoes and marigolds in an organic garden bed
12197225 - Plant tomatoes and marigolds in an organic garden bed
Plant tomatoes and marigolds in an organic garden bed
12197215 - Plant tomatoes and marigolds in an organic garden bed
Flowerbed with Tulipa 'Ballerina' edged with Iberis
12195296 - Flowerbed with Tulipa 'Ballerina' edged with Iberis
Small foil pond with natural stones bordered in the garden
12193213 - Small foil pond with natural stones bordered in the garden
Plant tomatoes and marigolds in an organic garden bed
12197219 - Plant tomatoes and marigolds in an organic garden bed
Plant tomatoes and marigolds in an organic garden bed
12197217 - Plant tomatoes and marigolds in an organic garden bed
White-yellow spring in the Freising court garden
12195033 - White-yellow spring in the Freising court garden
Plant tomatoes and marigolds in an organic garden bed
12197216 - Plant tomatoes and marigolds in an organic garden bed
Wintery bed with hoarfrost buxus, branches, cones
12192359 - Wintery bed with hoarfrost buxus, branches, cones
Plant tomatoes and marigolds in an organic garden bed
12197223 - Plant tomatoes and marigolds in an organic garden bed
Bed bordered with hazelnut wattle: Rosa 'Rosanna' (climbing rose)
12186071 - Bed bordered with hazelnut wattle: Rosa 'Rosanna' (climbing rose)
Plant tomatoes and marigolds in an organic garden bed
12197222 - Plant tomatoes and marigolds in an organic garden bed
Perennial border by wooden fence: Echinacea purpurea (red coneflower), phlox
12186934 - Perennial border by wooden fence: Echinacea purpurea (red coneflower), phlox
Fountain in a paved roundabout
12189116 - Fountain in a paved roundabout
Beds bordered with buxus (box), sage (Salvia officinalis), erodium (heron's beak), swan plum, watering can and bucket
12125660 - Beds bordered with buxus (box), sage (Salvia officinalis), erodium (heron's beak), swan plum, watering can and bucket
Perennial bed by the wooden fence: Echinacea purpurea (red coneflower), phlox
12186933 - Perennial bed by the wooden fence: Echinacea purpurea (red coneflower), phlox
Bed with Tulipa 'Ballerina', edged with Iberis
12195295 - Bed with Tulipa 'Ballerina', edged with Iberis
Plant tomatoes and marigolds in an organic garden bed
12197224 - Plant tomatoes and marigolds in an organic garden bed
Plant tomatoes and marigolds in an organic garden bed
12197213 - Plant tomatoes and marigolds in an organic garden bed
Plant tomatoes and marigolds in an organic garden bed
12197209 - Plant tomatoes and marigolds in an organic garden bed
Plant tomatoes and marigolds in an organic garden bed
12197214 - Plant tomatoes and marigolds in an organic garden bed
Plant tomatoes and marigolds in an organic garden bed
12197210 - Plant tomatoes and marigolds in an organic garden bed
White-yellow spring in the Freising court garden
12195036 - White-yellow spring in the Freising court garden
Shade border with Hydrangea arborescens 'Annabelle' (ball hydrangea)
12186549 - Shade border with Hydrangea arborescens 'Annabelle' (ball hydrangea)
Plant tomatoes and marigolds in an organic garden bed
12197212 - Plant tomatoes and marigolds in an organic garden bed
Bed bordered with hazelnut wattle: Rosa 'Rosanna' (climbing rose)
12186072 - Bed bordered with hazelnut wattle: Rosa 'Rosanna' (climbing rose)
Plant tomatoes and marigolds in an organic garden bed
12197211 - Plant tomatoes and marigolds in an organic garden bed
Plant tomatoes and marigolds in an organic garden bed
12197221 - Plant tomatoes and marigolds in an organic garden bed
Summer flowers and perennials bouquet
12192034 - Summer flowers and perennials bouquet
Bed bordered with hazelnut wattle
12186085 - Bed bordered with hazelnut wattle
Easter wreath with grape hyacinths, feathers and eggs
12136869 - Easter wreath with grape hyacinths, feathers and eggs
Bean seedlings (Phaseolus) on a climbing frame made of beanstalks, mulched with straw, bed edged with boards
12181751 - Bean seedlings (Phaseolus) on a climbing frame made of beanstalks, mulched with straw, bed edged with boards
Wintery bed with hoarfrost buxus, branches, cones
12192358 - Wintery bed with hoarfrost buxus, branches, cones
Shade bed with Hydrangea arborescens 'Annabelle' (ball hydrangea)
12186548 - Shade bed with Hydrangea arborescens 'Annabelle' (ball hydrangea)
Plant tomatoes and marigolds in an organic garden bed
12197220 - Plant tomatoes and marigolds in an organic garden bed
Bed bordered with hazelnut wickerwork: Rosa 'Rosanna' (climbing rose)
12186073 - Bed bordered with hazelnut wickerwork: Rosa 'Rosanna' (climbing rose)
Small water garden: Nymphaea (water lily), Hydrocharis morus-ranae (frogbit), Stratiotes aloides (crayfish claw, water aloe), Typha (bulrush), banks edged with granite stones
12126978 - Small water garden: Nymphaea (water lily), Hydrocharis morus-ranae (frogbit), Stratiotes aloides (crayfish claw, water aloe), Typha (bulrush), banks edged with granite stones
Geranium endressii (Pyrenean cranesbill), Campanula (bellflower), Astrantia (starflower), Rosa 'Bonica' (shrub rose) Stem, lawn, garden space bordered with hedge
12127110 - Geranium endressii (Pyrenean cranesbill), Campanula (bellflower), Astrantia (starflower), Rosa 'Bonica' (shrub rose) Stem, lawn, garden space bordered with hedge
Formal garden with pond and shrub beds, bordered by hedges, bench
12125381 - Formal garden with pond and shrub beds, bordered by hedges, bench
Spacious garden with natural pond
12127031 - Spacious garden with natural pond
Rose garden 'Filipes Kiftsgate', 'Alberic Barbier' bordered with box hedges, view of conservatory
12124796 - Rose garden 'Filipes Kiftsgate', 'Alberic Barbier' bordered with box hedges, view of conservatory
Lawn bordered with hedge of Rosa (roses), lawn path between herbaceous borders, Onopordum (donkey thistle)
12123396 - Lawn bordered with hedge of Rosa (roses), lawn path between herbaceous borders, Onopordum (donkey thistle)
Beet edged with hazelnut braiding
12186084 - Beet edged with hazelnut braiding
Eruca sativa (rocket), raised bed of hazel rods with Solanum tuberosum (potato), Cynara scolymus (artichoke), beds bordered with Buxus (boxwood), gravel path
12127277 - Eruca sativa (rocket), raised bed of hazel rods with Solanum tuberosum (potato), Cynara scolymus (artichoke), beds bordered with Buxus (boxwood), gravel path
Beds photographed in the Freising courtyard garden
12140059 - Beds photographed in the Freising courtyard garden
Beds photographed in the courtyard garden Freising
12140060 - Beds photographed in the courtyard garden Freising
Wooden stairs leading over gravel path into the garden, flower beds bordered with small walls
12127311 - Wooden stairs leading over gravel path into the garden, flower beds bordered with small walls
Rosa 'Felicia', 'Golden Wings' (shrub roses), R. 'New Dawn' (climbing rose), formal beds bordered with Buxus (box) hedges and as topiary, garden spaces separated with hedges
12127095 - Rosa 'Felicia', 'Golden Wings' (shrub roses), R. 'New Dawn' (climbing rose), formal beds bordered with Buxus (box) hedges and as topiary, garden spaces separated with hedges
Hexagonal lawn with topiary, tree bank and Alchemilla mollis (lady's mantle) in the centre, Rosa (roses), Mahonia (mahonias), beds bordered with hedges of Hedera helix (ivy)
12126921 - Hexagonal lawn with topiary, tree bank and Alchemilla mollis (lady's mantle) in the centre, Rosa (roses), Mahonia (mahonias), beds bordered with hedges of Hedera helix (ivy)
Herb beds bordered with buxus (boxwood), horseradish (Armoracia rusticana), rue (Ruta graveolens), Rosa (roses), Lychnis coronaria (coneflower), narrow path with clinker pavement
12126183 - Herb beds bordered with buxus (boxwood), horseradish (Armoracia rusticana), rue (Ruta graveolens), Rosa (roses), Lychnis coronaria (coneflower), narrow path with clinker pavement
Cottage garden beds bordered with Buxus hedges, red cabbage, roses
12125667 - Cottage garden beds bordered with Buxus hedges, red cabbage, roses
Small pond bordered with clinker, Rosa (rose), Alchemilla (lady's mantle), Petunia (petunia) on blue table, terracotta figure
12125555 - Small pond bordered with clinker, Rosa (rose), Alchemilla (lady's mantle), Petunia (petunia) on blue table, terracotta figure
Sanvitalia, Ageratum, Lilium, Petunia, Multiflora, Calceolaria integrifolia
12107854 - Sanvitalia, Ageratum, Lilium, Petunia, Multiflora, Calceolaria integrifolia
Gravel path between flower beds bordered with hedges of Buxus (box), Sidalcea 'Rose Queen' (prairie mallow), Galega 'Candida' (goat's rue)
12127299 - Gravel path between flower beds bordered with hedges of Buxus (box), Sidalcea 'Rose Queen' (prairie mallow), Galega 'Candida' (goat's rue)
Round border with Verbena bonariensis (verbena), Dahlia (dahlias)
12167582 - Round border with Verbena bonariensis (verbena), Dahlia (dahlias)
Foil pond with Iris pseudacorus (Marsh iris)
12207670 - Foil pond with Iris pseudacorus (Marsh iris)
Gravel path bordered with natural stones through shade garden - Mahonia (ornamental mahonia), Buxus (boxwood) - balls, Geranium (cranesbill), Viburnum rhytidophyllum (wrinkled-leaved snowball)
12127254 - Gravel path bordered with natural stones through shade garden - Mahonia (ornamental mahonia), Buxus (boxwood) - balls, Geranium (cranesbill), Viburnum rhytidophyllum (wrinkled-leaved snowball)
Rectangular garden pond bordered with wooden planks and coarse gravel, Nymphaea (water lilies), Rosa (climbing roses) on pergola, low hedge of Hedera (ivy), house with conservatory
12123679 - Rectangular garden pond bordered with wooden planks and coarse gravel, Nymphaea (water lilies), Rosa (climbing roses) on pergola, low hedge of Hedera (ivy), house with conservatory
Rose garden with shrub roses and climbing roses, beds bordered with small hedges of Buxus (box), Valerian (Valeriana) and Sage (Salvia) as accompaniment, stone planter on column
12123383 - Rose garden with shrub roses and climbing roses, beds bordered with small hedges of Buxus (box), Valerian (Valeriana) and Sage (Salvia) as accompaniment, stone planter on column
Summer bed bordered with Antirrhinum (snapdragon), Lupinus (lupins) - flowering and with seed starts, Lychnis (burning love), Salvia sclarea (clary sage) and Digitalis (foxglove)
12125486 - Summer bed bordered with Antirrhinum (snapdragon), Lupinus (lupins) - flowering and with seed starts, Lychnis (burning love), Salvia sclarea (clary sage) and Digitalis (foxglove)
Formal garden: summer flowers in curved beds bordered with hedges of Buxus (boxwood)
12125389 - Formal garden: summer flowers in curved beds bordered with hedges of Buxus (boxwood)
Beds with Buxus (boxwood balls) bordered with Hedera (ivy) embedded in clinker paving, pots with tub plants on the house wall
12125377 - Beds with Buxus (boxwood balls) bordered with Hedera (ivy) embedded in clinker paving, pots with tub plants on the house wall
Beds with Buxus (box) - hedges, Rosa 'New Dawn' (climbing roses) - on trees, bedding roses and lavender (Lavandula), at the back area with Astilbe (splendid spirea), seating area on terrace
12125551 - Beds with Buxus (box) - hedges, Rosa 'New Dawn' (climbing roses) - on trees, bedding roses and lavender (Lavandula), at the back area with Astilbe (splendid spirea), seating area on terrace
Path of pebble paving between herb beds, beds bordered with Buxus (box hedge), flowering santolina and purple sage (Salvia purpurascens)
12125033 - Path of pebble paving between herb beds, beds bordered with Buxus (box hedge), flowering santolina and purple sage (Salvia purpurascens)
Formal cottage garden: vegetables and summer flowers in square beds bordered with hedges of Buxus (boxwood)
12123719 - Formal cottage garden: vegetables and summer flowers in square beds bordered with hedges of Buxus (boxwood)
Pond bordered with granite blocks, Rodgersia pinnata (pinnate leaf) and Darmera peltata (shield leaf) as riparian planting
12127249 - Pond bordered with granite blocks, Rodgersia pinnata (pinnate leaf) and Darmera peltata (shield leaf) as riparian planting
View of sunken garden: perennial beds bordered by hedges of Taxus (yew), walls and steps of clinker brick, brick water basin at lowest point
12125385 - View of sunken garden: perennial beds bordered by hedges of Taxus (yew), walls and steps of clinker brick, brick water basin at lowest point
Rose garden with shrub roses, climbing roses and English roses combined with perennials and valerian (Valeriana), beds bordered with hedges of buxus (box), large planter on column as centrepiece
12123535 - Rose garden with shrub roses, climbing roses and English roses combined with perennials and valerian (Valeriana), beds bordered with hedges of buxus (box), large planter on column as centrepiece
Dahlias 'Munich' and 'Linz'
12215111 - Dahlias 'Munich' and 'Linz'
Rosa 'Adelaide d'Orleans' Mottisont Abbaye-Gb'
12126753 - Rosa 'Adelaide d'Orleans' Mottisont Abbaye-Gb'
Geranium pratense (Meadow Cranesbill), Campanula (Bellflower), beds bordered with concrete paving as paths
12123572 - Geranium pratense (Meadow Cranesbill), Campanula (Bellflower), beds bordered with concrete paving as paths