
Geernteten Photos – License unique photos ❘ Image Professionals

Wire basket with freshly harvested Allium cepa (onion)
12146402 - Wire basket with freshly harvested Allium cepa (onion)
Harvesting onions and weaving onion braids
12182161 - Harvesting onions and weaving onion braids
Processing tomatoes in the outdoor kitchen
12175707 - Processing tomatoes in the outdoor kitchen
Woman with basket full of freshly harvested peppers, chillies and chilli peppers (Capsicum)
12160010 - Woman with basket full of freshly harvested peppers, chillies and chilli peppers (Capsicum)
Process freshly harvested wild garlic into wild garlic pesto
12171927 - Process freshly harvested wild garlic into wild garlic pesto
Harvesting vegetables in the cottage garden
12168851 - Harvesting vegetables in the cottage garden
Young man with freshly harvested apples in a wicker basket
12159018 - Young man with freshly harvested apples in a wicker basket
Woman harvesting Salvia 'Icterina' (golden sage)
12151766 - Woman harvesting Salvia 'Icterina' (golden sage)
Basket with freshly harvested courgettes (Cucurbita pepo), peppers (Capsicum annuum), aubergines (Solanum melongena) and tomatoes (Lycopersicon)
12125194 - Basket with freshly harvested courgettes (Cucurbita pepo), peppers (Capsicum annuum), aubergines (Solanum melongena) and tomatoes (Lycopersicon)
Create trapeze beds as a vegetable and herb garden
12169501 - Create trapeze beds as a vegetable and herb garden
Blue enamel pot with humulus (hops), freshly harvested apples (Malus)
12168160 - Blue enamel pot with humulus (hops), freshly harvested apples (Malus)
Baskets with freshly picked apples
12158980 - Baskets with freshly picked apples
Woman with freshly harvested pumpkins (Cucurbita) in fruit staircase
12182446 - Woman with freshly harvested pumpkins (Cucurbita) in fruit staircase
Woman with freshly harvested pumpkins (cucurbita) in fruit stall
12182445 - Woman with freshly harvested pumpkins (cucurbita) in fruit stall
Baskets Of Freshly Harvested Beans (Phaseolus) And Flowers
12179316 - Baskets Of Freshly Harvested Beans (Phaseolus) And Flowers
Bowl of freshly cut flowers and harvested apples
12158620 - Bowl of freshly cut flowers and harvested apples
Basket of freshly harvested red and green gooseberries (Ribes uva-crispa)
12173821 - Basket of freshly harvested red and green gooseberries (Ribes uva-crispa)
Baskets of freshly harvested tomatoes (Lycopersicon)
12167823 - Baskets of freshly harvested tomatoes (Lycopersicon)
Young man with freshly harvested apples in a willow basket
12159016 - Young man with freshly harvested apples in a willow basket
Artichoke in raised bed
12154001 - Artichoke in raised bed
Baskets with freshly harvested tomatoes (Lycopersicon)
12167998 - Baskets with freshly harvested tomatoes (Lycopersicon)
Gooseneck squash, cobra squash (Curcurbita lagenaria)
12175817 - Gooseneck squash, cobra squash (Curcurbita lagenaria)
Open gate into the cottage garden
12175383 - Open gate into the cottage garden
Basket of freshly picked edible rowanberries (Sorbus edulis)
12167850 - Basket of freshly picked edible rowanberries (Sorbus edulis)
Basket with freshly harvested chillies 'Lombardo' (Capsicum)
12160031 - Basket with freshly harvested chillies 'Lombardo' (Capsicum)
Young man with freshly harvested apples in a wicker basket
12159017 - Young man with freshly harvested apples in a wicker basket
Woman with freshly harvested Daucus carota (carrots, carrots)
12152432 - Woman with freshly harvested Daucus carota (carrots, carrots)
Savory and beans
12140026 - Savory and beans
Basket with freshly harvested bell chillies, chillies and habanero chillies
12183439 - Basket with freshly harvested bell chillies, chillies and habanero chillies
Harvesting onions and braising onion braids
12182159 - Harvesting onions and braising onion braids
Basket with freshly harvested courgettes (Cucurbita pepo), tomatoes (Lycopersicon), aubergines (Solanum melongena) and peppers (Capsicum annuum)
12125193 - Basket with freshly harvested courgettes (Cucurbita pepo), tomatoes (Lycopersicon), aubergines (Solanum melongena) and peppers (Capsicum annuum)
Mother and daughter with freshly harvested carrots, carrots (Daucus carota)
12181215 - Mother and daughter with freshly harvested carrots, carrots (Daucus carota)
Basket Of Freshly Harvested Beans (Phaseolus)
12179317 - Basket Of Freshly Harvested Beans (Phaseolus)
Open gate to the cottage garden
12175382 - Open gate to the cottage garden
Baskets with freshly harvested tomatoes (Lycopersicon) and courgettes
12181463 - Baskets with freshly harvested tomatoes (Lycopersicon) and courgettes
Basket with freshly harvested beans (Phaseolus)
12177082 - Basket with freshly harvested beans (Phaseolus)
Open gate into the cottage garden
12175385 - Open gate into the cottage garden
Open gate into the cottage garden
12175384 - Open gate into the cottage garden
Woman on wooden lounger in front of autumn bed with Amelanchier (Rock Pear)
12146375 - Woman on wooden lounger in front of autumn bed with Amelanchier (Rock Pear)
Bed with Malva trimestris (cup mallow), lawn path, vegetable bed with marigolds (student flowers), courgettes (cucurbita), chard (Beta vulgaris), baskets with freshly harvested vegetables
12123784 - Bed with Malva trimestris (cup mallow), lawn path, vegetable bed with marigolds (student flowers), courgettes (cucurbita), chard (Beta vulgaris), baskets with freshly harvested vegetables
Creating trapezoidal beds as a vegetable and herb garden
12169502 - Creating trapezoidal beds as a vegetable and herb garden
Enamelled buckets with freshly harvested apples 'Flamed Cardinal' (Malus)
12182748 - Enamelled buckets with freshly harvested apples 'Flamed Cardinal' (Malus)
Man with freshly harvested carrots (Daucus carota)
12181605 - Man with freshly harvested carrots (Daucus carota)
Processing tomatoes in the outdoor kitchen
12175706 - Processing tomatoes in the outdoor kitchen
Woman laying freshly harvested chard 'Bright Lights' (Beta vulgaris)
12160028 - Woman laying freshly harvested chard 'Bright Lights' (Beta vulgaris)
Baskets of freshly harvested apples 'Flamed Cardinal' (Malus)
12182747 - Baskets of freshly harvested apples 'Flamed Cardinal' (Malus)
Young woman holding wire basket with chillies
12159774 - Young woman holding wire basket with chillies
Woman with freshly harvested plums in apron
12158559 - Woman with freshly harvested plums in apron
Boy with freshly harvested Daucus (carrots)
12148539 - Boy with freshly harvested Daucus (carrots)
Chair with freshly harvested courgettes and pumpkins (Cucurbita) in a flower bed
12182324 - Chair with freshly harvested courgettes and pumpkins (Cucurbita) in a flower bed
Basket with freshly harvested apples (Malus)
12175843 - Basket with freshly harvested apples (Malus)
Basket of freshly picked edible rowanberries (Sorbus edulis)
12167851 - Basket of freshly picked edible rowanberries (Sorbus edulis)
Woman with freshly harvested cucumis (mini cucumbers) in wicker basket
12151656 - Woman with freshly harvested cucumis (mini cucumbers) in wicker basket
Man with freshly harvested Allium cepa (onions) in a wicker basket
12151651 - Man with freshly harvested Allium cepa (onions) in a wicker basket
Baskets with freshly harvested beans (Phaseolus) and flowers
12177081 - Baskets with freshly harvested beans (Phaseolus) and flowers
Basket with freshly cut flowers and freshly harvested bulbs
12158714 - Basket with freshly cut flowers and freshly harvested bulbs
Wooden lounger in front of autumn bed with Amelanchier (rock pear)
12146374 - Wooden lounger in front of autumn bed with Amelanchier (rock pear)
Woman with freshly harvested pumpkins (Cucurbita) in fruit stall
12182447 - Woman with freshly harvested pumpkins (Cucurbita) in fruit stall
Rhubarb harvest in early summer
12173008 - Rhubarb harvest in early summer
Wooden basket with freshly harvested gooseberry variety 'Rote Eva'
12157864 - Wooden basket with freshly harvested gooseberry variety 'Rote Eva'
Baskets with freshly harvested beans (Phaseolus) and flowers
12177080 - Baskets with freshly harvested beans (Phaseolus) and flowers
Small basket with freshly harvested berries of mountain ash, rowan tree
12175238 - Small basket with freshly harvested berries of mountain ash, rowan tree
Cut freshly harvested chives (Allium schoenoprasum) into small pieces
12171462 - Cut freshly harvested chives (Allium schoenoprasum) into small pieces
Basket of freshly harvested malus (apples)
12147481 - Basket of freshly harvested malus (apples)
Capsicum (capsicum, chilli), plant and basket
12140017 - Capsicum (capsicum, chilli), plant and basket
Farm garden with vegetables in late summer
12126500 - Farm garden with vegetables in late summer
Basket of freshly harvested tomatoes (Lycopersicon)
12167550 - Basket of freshly harvested tomatoes (Lycopersicon)
Basket with freshly harvested tomatoes (Lycopersicon)
12167549 - Basket with freshly harvested tomatoes (Lycopersicon)