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Five questions for Joanna Kazmierczak

Actually, Joanna Kazmierczak was a copywriter who enjoys good food. Because the mere sight of a nicely served dish whetted her appetite, that’s exactly what became her passion.

Joanna Kazmierczak started to work in photography and perfected her own recipes as well as her photography skills until her photos have become so appetizing that you almost want to bite into a magazine or smartphone – depending on where you are looking at her pictures. So please don’t look hungry at these pictures!

We interviewed the Polish photographer to find out what else there is to know about her:


Joanna, from where do you get your motivation?

If you’re hoping for a romantic story, I have to disappoint you: It was jealousy from the very beginning. Instagram & Co. are flooded with beautiful photos and so it’s my constant inspiration as well as motivation to keep up and get better and better. The biggest compliment for me is when someone says that my photos make you hungry.


What does cooking mean to you?

I often experiment in the kitchen and even when I use other people’s recipes, I usually change them by keeping just one ingredient or just the idea from the basic recipe. Because that’s what recipes are to me – inspiration. According to my philosophy, cooking should be a joy above all.


Where does this passion come from?

My mother taught me how to cook when I was still young, because guess what – we both love to eat well.


What are your favorite motifs?

The ones that I get to keep thinking about. Because whether I’m developing a recipe or fulfilling a customer request – the most important thing for me is the commitment I invest.


And what’s your private life like?

I have a fiancé and a cat, whose slave I sometimes describe myself as. 😉 I love coffee and I like to read crime novels and sometimes romance novels.

Portrait Joanna


Enjoy Joanna’s pictures >

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