Alpine Rock-Jasmine or Androsace alpina is an alpine plant, endemic to the Alp. In the wild, Androsace alpina grows on silicaceous substrates, particularly granite, and is one of the few plants in the Alps to grow above 3000 metres, Lombardy Italy Europe

Alpine Rock-Jasmine or Androsace alpina is an alpine plant, endemic to the Alp. In the wild, Androsace alpina grows on silicaceous substrates, particularly granite, and is one of the few plants in the Alps to grow above 3000 metres, Lombardy Italy Europe

Bildnummer: 71110715
Lizenzart: Lizenzfrei
Fotograf: © Image Professionals / ClickAlps
Bildagentur: lookphotos
Verfügbarkeit: not available in JP

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alp Berg Berge Blühen Blume Blumen Europa Gebirge Granit Italien Lombardei Natur Reise

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