The Somiedo River is a river of Asturias, Spain. It has a length of 22 km. Born in the Asturian slope of the Port of Somiedo, in the homonymous municipality and flows into the town of Aguasmestas, on the border with the municipality of Belmonte de Miranda

The Somiedo River is a river of Asturias, Spain. It has a length of 22 km. Born in the Asturian slope of the Port of Somiedo, in the homonymous municipality and flows into the town of Aguasmestas, on the border with the municipality of Belmonte de Miranda

Bildnummer: 71081647
Lizenzart: Lizenzfrei
Fotograf: © Image Professionals / Cavan Images
Bildagentur: lookphotos

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